Karen Cox

Karen Cox


Back squat 200lb
Clean and Jerk 160lb
Deadlift 260lb
Grace 2:57
Won first place in my last CrossFit team competition



soon to be Certified Pre and Postnatal Coach

About Coach

I played basketball growing up and have always had a competitive personality. Once I hit my 20’s, I couldn’t really find a workout program that I could stick with. Once I started planning my wedding and really wanting to get in better shape, I started at a CrossFit-style boot camp which led me to work out in a CrossFit gym. I started lifting weights and realized how much I loved feeling strong! This was the first thing I had found that I could stick with consistently. I’ve worked out through 2 pregnancies which is what made me realize how little information there is out there for women who are wanting to stay active during their pregnancies and return to fitness safety after having babies. This is what has to lead me to my passion of helping others who are looking to enjoy their workouts, and for helping women who want to find their strengths not just in how they look, but the amazing things their body can do!

Turning Point

I had been working out for a few years already when I got pregnant with my first boy in 2013. I wanted to stay active and healthy, but there wasn’t much information out there about how to work out safely during pregnancy. There was even less information about how to return to working out after having a baby. When I got pregnant with my second boy in 2016, there was more information and after having him, I completed a postnatal program to help me build my core muscles back. I felt like this was what women really needed to be able to return to any fitness program and feel safe and secure. I really wanted to help others like me and give women the support they need through different stages of life. This is what lead me to work toward personal training and pre and postnatal fitness certifications.

Motivation & Passion

My passion is in helping others realize the same joy and accomplishment that comes from being able to find the strength you don’t even know you have! One of the best feelings in the world is overcoming the doubt in your mind that says you can’t do something – and then your body says “yes I can!”

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